A Massive Illuminated Eye of 100,000 Lights Twinkles Above a Madrid Plaza — Colossal

#Brut Deluxe
#public art
December 12, 2022
Grace Ebert

All photos by ImagenSubliminal / Miguel de Guzman + Rocio Romero,, courtesy of Brut Deluxe, shared with permission
Now on view in Madrid’s Plaza de Canalejas is a gleaming eye that peers both downward at those who pass underneath its red-and-blue canopy and upward at the sky. Extending across more than 2,000-square-meters, the temporary site-specific installation is the project of design studio Brut Deluxe, which strung 100,000-plus LED lights into a web of color that hovers nine meters above ground. Mimicking the center of an eye, “Iris” is comprised of the main concentric circles pocked by anatomical anomalies like wrinkles and grooves, with flickering bulbs spread across its expanse.
Watch the video above too see the dynamic elements in action, and explore an archive of Brut Deluxe’s projects on its site. (via designboom)
#Brut Deluxe
#public art
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