Review of Jackson’s Curated Sets: Ink

Bath based artist Mel Pozniakow reviews Jackson’s Curated Set for Ink sharing her thoughts on the materials and how the set encouraged her to challenge her regular painting practice.
Mel Pozniakow Tests Jackson’s Curated Set: Ink
I was recently asked by Jackson’s if I would like to write a review on their ink curated set. I was really excited by this as I regularly use ink as part of my practice and thought it would be great to try it out. It felt really indulgent receiving the set as I usually buy items separately. When it arrived It didn’t disappoint. The product was beautifully presented and felt really special.
The set contains:
- Jackson’s Round Ceramic Palette, 3.75 in (9.5 cm) x 1
- Jackson’s Indian Ink 150 ml Black x 1
- Khadi Handmade Hard Back Sketchbook, 210 gsm, Rough, 13 x 16 cm, 16 Sheets
- Akashiya Sharaku Synthetic Calligraphy Brush Starter No.7
- Jackson’s Paper Guide

Jackson’s Curated Set: Ink
Inside there was a 150 ml bottle of Jackson’s Indian Ink, a large Akashiya Sharaku Calligraphy Brush, a Jackson’s Round Ceramic Palette and a Khadi Handmade Sketchbook. What I wasn’t expecting to be included was a Jackson’s Paper Guide. It was such an informative book, I never thought there was so much to know on paper!
I love using sketchbooks to play out ideas and have fun so this was my intention when reviewing the set. Although I work from photographs my work is intuitive and playful and using a sketchbook is an important part of my process. The Khadi Handmade Sketchbook is a beautiful item. The scale of it however did feel out of sync with the rest of the products. You are given a big bottle of ink and a huge brush, my initial response was to go big. But as the sketchbook is the size that it is I went with it. Using a large brush in a small space felt uncomfortable to start with, but forced me to focus on the detail and pattern of the image I was using. The size restrictions allowed me to really move away from the photograph and play with composition and shape, something I always strive for.
I usually use smooth paper so the texture of the paper was a good change. It gave me marks I wasn’t expecting. I often use watercolour when using ink as I like the contrast of the two mediums. I first build up colour and texture with watercolour then use ink for detail. Some sketchbooks repel watercolour, Moleskine being the worst offender. This one took the paint perfectly due to the high absorbency of the paper.
At first I was worried the Jackson’s Indian Ink wouldn’t be as good a quality as the Winsor & Newton Ink I usually use as it’s much cheaper and comes in a large bottle. This isn’t the case at all, it had a great depth and is the truest of black.
The Akashiya Sharaku Calligraphy Brush is beautiful. It holds such a lot of ink giving you a really black solid line. Due to its shape I got a good range of marks. This is really important for the kind of work I do. It kept its shape well and not one bristle was lost which I have found with cheaper brushes.
The Jackson’s Round Ceramic Palette is a great upgrade from my usual plastic cup. The shallow depth and weight of the ceramic prevents it from toppling over. In my studio this is important as I’m a messy worker.
Looking at the cost of the individual items together it seems a good price. I think it would make an excellent gift and I really enjoyed trying it out. I will definitely be ordering more Jackson’s Indian Ink and Khadi Handmade Sketchbook in the future.
About Mel Pozniakow
Mel Pozniakow (b.1981) is a British painter living and working in the City of Bath. She gained her BA in Fine Art at Falmouth College of Arts and is currently enrolled on the Turps Correspondence Course.
Through the lens of autobiography and personal archiving, Pozniakow is examining her first experiences of domesticity. She responds to the conflicting social values demonstrated by her mother and grandmother’s relationship through a dynamic visual language. Her work often examines her migrant grandmother’s adoption of British middle class values and her mother’s break from this tradition due to her opposing femininity ideology. With the use of family photographs and various pieces of personal family ephemera, she is developing a collection of paintings which are deeply nostalgic and intimate in nature.
Further Reading
A Guide to Inks
Two Illustrators Draw With Jackson’s Indian Ink
Everything You Need to Know About Watercolour Paper
Jackson’s Metallic Drawing Inks on Black Khadi Watercolour Paper
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